About Me


Hello World!

My name is Santos Lara Sánchez, a lover of oil paintings and a jeweller by profession. I live in Madrid and, although I may seem young, I have a wealth of experience and art is in my blood.

 On this website I want to showcase all my creations throughout my life

I am a person in love with my profession, who has always been interested in art, which I try to capture in my designs and fusing concepts…

I have been a jeweller by profession since I was 17 years old when I entered the jewellery school of the Guild of Jewellers and Watchmakers of Madrid www.gremiomadrid.org , I have a degree in jewellery and gem-setting from the same school.

I have worked in various companies in the sector and in different fields, from jewellery foundries, where I injected waxes, opened rubbers and finished the jewellery, to shops, companies and individuals where I have done wax modelling and repairs (repairing parts).

Over time I will be updating and uploading little by little both new works and pieces of jewellery that will soon be for sale online.

I have been creating paintings of all kinds since my earliest childhood, of which landscape painting has become my speciality. I started painting canvases in 2001 with the master Machado de Camas, in his school www.academia-machado.com. Here you can find all my life as an artist from my beginnings to my latest creations and which will continue to be filled with more canvases.

Painting has been a way of expressing myself, of expressing what is inside me, of relaxing. Over the years and with the help of my teacher, I am committed to making each canvas better than the last, both technically and artistically. I have always painted for my enjoyment and those around me. My family and friends have always supported and encouraged me, which is why I have decided to dedicate a section of the website to it. You are all invited to see my work and I hope you enjoy this work as much as I enjoyed painting it.

If you are interested in something that is on my website, just contact me, contacto@santoslara.com




Santos Lara_
Santos Lara trabajando